What Is HTML And CSS? Are You Confused


Do you want to learn about html and CSS? If you want to learn how to build a website then these are the basic tips for you. If you have no idea about html and css then you can read this post to know about it.HTML: HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a standard markup language which is used to define web pages.

HTML is not a programming language, but it defines a way to tell the browser what to display. When we write HTML code, it is called as HTML markup. CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is a style sheet language. It is used to apply different properties and styles to elements on the page. CSS is similar to HTML in that it describes how to present the page.

What is HTML?

What is HTML?

HTML stands for hyper text markup language, it is a simple text format. It helps to define the structure of web pages. Every web page consists of a series of tags which is represented using characters like angle brackets, quotes and some other special characters.

HTML is an open source standard and many free software applications can be used to create and edit HTML files. It is a basic step to make a website on any platform. This tutorial will help you to learn how to make a website with HTML in different platforms.

This tutorial is also helpful to those who want to create a website for their business or want to build a portfolio. 

The tag is made up of three parts, first part starts with < and ends with >, second part starts with & and third part starts with ‘. When the tag is closed, a tag is said to be closed. A tag which is not closed is said to be opened. An opened tag contains a tag which is closed and vice versa.

There are two different types of tags. First type is the inline tag and the second type is the external tag. If a tag is in an external file then it is called as an external tag.

Why you should use HTML?

First, it is easy to use. HTML and CSS are simple to use. To make a web page, you don’t need any technical skills, you just need to write a series of HTML or CSS codes. HTML or CSS codes are easy to learn. Another reason for using HTML is that you can create various layouts and designs. In addition to that, you can create your own pages by using HTML or CSS.

The next is that HTML is easy to share. If you want to share your web page to other people, you don’t need to worry about the security because your web page will be transferred safely. HTML is also flexible. HTML allows you to add your own design.

You can easily change the look and feel of your web page according to your own preferences. There are many web browsers in the market. You can choose one which is suitable for your needs.

There are many websites which are created by using HTML or CSS. The most popular website of the world is the Google, Facebook, YouTube and others.

What is CSS?

What is CSS?
What is CSS?

CSS stands for cascading style sheets. It is a simple format that defines the visual appearance of a web page. CSS is written in an external file and it is used to change the layout, fonts and colors.

There are many CSS tutorials available online, but most of them don’t teach you how to use CSS in a practical way. This article will explain how to create a basic website using CSS. You will learn how to write your own CSS code, and apply it to a web page.

What is CSS? CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. A CSS file is a separate file that contains all the rules and properties of the styles of a web page. This file is used by web browsers to display the web page.

It is used to make a webpage consistent and to give it a uniform appearance. There are different types of tags which are used to display the information. These are h1, p, h2, a, b, li, div, etc.

What is CSS Tutorial?

If you want to know about HTML and CSS then you can learn it through a tutorial. Most of the websites and blogs have a tutorial section where you can get the tutorial related to HTML and CSS.

These tutorials will teach you the basic of the HTML and CSS. The HTML is the most important part of the website. It is the basic part of the web page. The CSS is the part of the HTML that changes the appearance of the web page. You can use different color, size, and position for the elements.

It is used to make the website look good. This tutorial teaches you the basics of the HTML and CSS. HTML Tutorials HTML Tutorials are the most common kind of tutorials. There are many free online HTML tutorials available.

There are many websites which contain the tutorials for HTML and CSS. One of the best tutorial websites is Lynda.com &w3schools.com They have an entire series of tutorials for HTML and CSS.


I hope you liked this article on “What is HTML And CSS”. There are many other websites which contain the tutorials for HTML and CSS. So, don’t be confused to learn HTML and CSS. I know you will easily get it by reading this blog.



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