The 10 coolest gadgets in 2022: A sneak peek into the future


In just over 2 years, we’ll enter the year 2022. People of the future will look back on this time as one in which society was still learning to embrace technology, but we had already made incredible strides in developing and using cool gadgets that would make our lives easier and more exciting than ever before. Here are 10 of the coolest gadgets you can buy in 2022…

Humanoid Robots

Take heart, Star Trek fans: while we still don’t have a working transporter, it looks like the future of interstellar travel is just around the corner. From new and improved humanoid robots to self-driving automobiles and smart, wearable devices, here are 10 gadgets from 2022 that are sure to blow your mind.

Remote Air Pollution Monitoring

Remote Air Pollution Monitoring

Smart sensors are fast emerging as one of coolest gadgets for smart homes. A pioneering system from a firm called Sidi Systems based on readily available Internet of Things sensors from firms like Sensation and Texas Instruments can detect levels of carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter smaller than 10 microns over a range of 100 feet using nothing more than an 8-channel DSP chip. Low power consumption means that Sidi’s system can run for up to two years on a set of two AA batteries. It should also be fairly cheap; targeting around $30 per sensor…

Clothing for Gaming

It’s true that there is nothing new under the sun, so it can sometimes be hard to be truly impressed with future gadgets. But when it comes to gaming accessories, the future has already arrived. An amazing trend right now is fashion that’s inspired by video games and the consoles they run on. From clothes made of game cartridges and controllers to lace hair extensions that resemble a Nintendo DS, we’ve compiled a list of 10 of the coolest gadgets in 2022!

Genetically Modified Food

Genetically Modified Food GMO food is technically available today, but we’re still awaiting a broader cultural and regulatory consensus on whether it’s OK to grow, sell and eat it in the United States (and elsewhere). The debate centers on food safety, environmental damage and socio-economic impacts:

Do genetically modified crops actually harm people? Do they hurt the environment? Does their increased use hurt small farmers? These are complicated questions with no easy answers, but the case against GMOs rests almost entirely on a small handful of cherry-picked studies. The 10 coolest gadgets in 2022: A sneak peek into the future: 2.

Tech That Helps People with Hearing Disabilities

In previous decades, people with hearing disabilities were often forced to rely on speech-to-text applications and outdated modes of communication. Now, thanks to modern technology, people are seeing impressive leaps forward as it pertains to methods for hearing impairment.

Augmented reality glasses, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and other tools enable people with disabilities or impairments make use of a wide variety of technologies—all without requiring much additional effort on their part. Check out these ten coolest gadgets for those who have difficulty hearing for a look at what’s next for modern technology.

Flying Cars

The coolest gadget you can buy in 2022 is a flying car. Even though it’s one of those ideas that has been around for decades, there’s no question that our roads will be littered with them soon enough. We already have prototypes of flying cars from both Google and Uber, so their arrival isn’t too far off (especially if some of these hurdles get ironed out).

There’s also a company called Terrafugia that has been working on developing a flying car for almost a decade now. As more details about flying cars emerge, we’re likely to see more people taking advantage of these vehicles sooner rather than later. They’re expected to cost upwards of $200,000 each but may end up being much cheaper once they enter mass production.

Artificial Intelligence as a Personal Assistant

Okay, so Google may have mastered our smartphone assistants and driverless cars. And Apple is certainly taking us by storm with Siri and home automation. But what happens when we combine artificial intelligence with a personal assistant? It’s not going to be tomorrow but sometime in 2026 you’ll see everyone heading out to buy their very own intelligent robot assistant that looks like a cute little human.

What’s more, artificial intelligence will move beyond smartphones and robots—the entire world will become smarter (but no less secure). Technology has changed our lives; it’s time for artificial intelligence to change our thinking…forever. That’s why artificial intelligence is one of our top ten coolest gadgets for 2022.

Smart Glasses

The style of these glasses—or headset, really—can range from very low-key to outlandish and large. In a variety of different styles and with dozens of different functions, smart glasses are often quite small, but offer some pretty impressive features. The added features might include things like micro screens inside your field of vision (so you can read a tiny screen without having to reach for your smartphone or tablet), or access to specialized apps.

And while they’re sometimes clunky looking, they have been hailed as one of our coolest gadgets because they allow people to make use of their smartphones in a more hands-free way. Look out for their availability in stores near you around 2022!

Automated Vehicles (Driverless)

This coolest gadget may sound like science fiction, but automated vehicles are already on U.S. roads and slated to hit your driveway in just a few years! We’ll soon see cars that drive themselves, with no need for human interaction. While car ownership is at an all-time low (and will continue to fall as autonomous vehicles become more common).

it’s still likely that many of us will opt for driverless transportation over public transport when it becomes available. In fact, one study found that commuters would rather ride a driverless vehicle if it saved them even 5 minutes each day!

Read More: 8 best smart home gadgets that make life so much easier

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